Friday, March 30, 2012

Bay State Spending Spree...............

    Guess the great recession has officially ended.  I have not gotten a raise in the past four years, hell, people are still without a paycheck and job that is not under the table.  How can any company compete with government worker's pay, vacations, and paid holidays?

Massachusetts spent nearly $1 billion more on state and local government employees in 2011 than in 2010 even as half of states cut labor costs, a Herald review shows.
U.S. Commerce Department figures reveal that Massachusetts state and municipal workers raked in $799 million more in salary and benefits last year.
That’s significantly more than any other state. In fact, state and local governments collectively cut workforce costs by $3.4 billion nationwide last year.
Massachusetts Republicans slammed the Bay State’s higher numbers.
“Instead of leading the nation in job creation, it looks like Massachusetts is leading the pack in fattening state payrolls,” state GOP spokesman Tim Buckley said. “It is easy to spend more when the Patrick-Murray administration has no qualms hitting up taxpayers again and again.”
Massachusetts’ higher tab came at a time when the District of Columbia and 24 states actually cut labor costs.
Recession-wracked Michigan slashed its employment bill the most, reducing expenses by $964 million, or 2.84 percent.
                         more if you have the stomach for it

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