The story goes more like this: Massachusetts is in need of money and this would be a relatively easy way to get some.
Rep. Richard Bastien, sponsor of the bill, said Massachusetts residents are already buying fireworks in neighboring states and bringing them back to Massachusetts. Locally, Seabrook has become a boomtown for fireworks sales, with several stores lining Route 1 near the Massachusetts border.When July 4 approaches, the parking lots at the Seabrook stores are often filled with cars sporting Massachusetts license plates. Over the years, the Bay State has tried to stem the flow of fireworks over the border by using state police to nab people as they crossed into Massachusetts on Interstate 95.Bastien said the bill's passage could keep jobs and revenue in state, estimating $2 million in sales taxes from a $40 million industry.
Side story: How much money CAN a retired police officer make in Massachusetts
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