Monday, January 3, 2011

Sign of the times or just of hope

Signs asking freshman members of Congress to keep their promises to cut spending are among the first things newly elected reps will see at Reagan National Airport as they make their way to Washington to start the 112th Congress.

         Great sign.......  just might soon show up on my lawn to replace the many signs of would be elected who did not succeed in the effort to replace those in office for way to many years.......fingers crossed!


  1. Love it. Imagine what would happen if we all emailed our congresspeople and senators and said the same thing.

    You just got elected (or re-elected). I'm watching you.

    Unfortunately I live in California and am represented by all Democrats, but still...

  2. Lisa,
    Me too, my signs were up but I guess no one saw them.....Dems still in control in MA


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