I personally do not believe the recession is fully over but I do like to see a survival story like this one.
All companies had to make some tough business decisions just to stay in business. Some companies, unlike the government, had to cut jobs and wages to do so. As for Brigggs & Stratton Corp. (they make a good product) they are conducting their business with out the government telling them HOW. They are surviving with the help and support of their management and employees! If the government would get out of the way with their increase in taxes and regulation upon regulation, maybe we would hear more 'survival' stories and maybe some great 'start up' stories as well!
"Briggs & Stratton to Reimburse Employees for Lost Wages"
- IndustryWeek : Briggs & Stratton to Reimburse Employees for Lost Wages (view on Google Sidewiki)
good find girl.