Monday, October 12, 2009


Iraq veteran dies of cancer after lung transplant from heavy smoker

     A sad, to say the least, story from across the pond and another question I have about  socialized medicine and the doctors who practice under said.  I know mistakes are made, but what will the government do to make the system better than the system most have now and want to keep?

An Iraq war veteran died after receiving cancerous lungs from a heavy smoker in a transplant.
Matthew Millington, 31, a corporal in the Queen’s Royal Lancers, had the operation to save him from an incurable respiratory condition.
But the organs were from a donor who was believed to have smoked 30 to 50 roll-up cigarettes a day. A tumour was found after the transplant, and its growth was accelerated by the drugs that Mr Millington took to prevent his body rejecting the organs.

   Do we know if smokers will even be allowed to get ObamaCare might be illegal to have cigarettes in your home in order to be covered.  As I have said in the past, this 'health insurance' bill that will pass will be amended and added won't even recognize the original bill.  And the cost... the projected cost of this government program is laughable.........but not in a funny way!  I will be heading out tonight to Representative Tierney's town hall. This will be his second in a series of two, he canceled out  the scheduled meetings last summer.  The following are some of the debate on Saturday at Salem State Collage:

“This is total control of our lives by the government,” said Connie Kennedy of Beverly, “and it is disgusting.”

Sitting across the auditorium, Mitch Gart of Bedford shook his head at her comment and booed.

“I am in favor of the health-care bill,” Gart said after the meeting. “It is a little scary how many negative people were in attendance. Most of the constituents in the area favor the bill, but it was the few people who aren’t in favor of it who mostly showed up to voice their opinion.”

National health-care reform, a priority of President Obama that’s sparked heated debate at similar town hall-style meetings, was not the sole issue of discussion. Tierney gave a brief opening statement that touched on many issues, including energy, education, and the economy.

“We are looking at a very serious issue on health care, and doing nothing shouldn’t be an option for us,” the Salem Democrat said. “We pay twice as much for health care per person in this country, but we are not getting twice as much of the benefit from it.”

Steve Falvey of Saugus was the first to speak and asked why America allows for-profit insurance companies to dominate health care.

“I agree that part of the problem is with insurance companies and the way they have been treating us for years,” said Tierney. “There shouldn’t be a case where a person is precluded because of preexisting conditions. Many of the companies are using more of the money from premiums for profit and salaries.

“This is one of the issues we are working on with this bill,” Tierney said.

At one point, Bill Hudak of Boxford, a Republican challenger for Tierney’s seat in 2010, stood up and challenged Tierney to a debate in front of the crowd. Tierney denied the request by saying he doesn’t know if Hudak will indeed be running against him because there is yet to be a primary.

“I think we all agree that everyone in America needs health care,” said Hudak. “But where we have the big disagreement is on how to pay for it and who should be responsible for delivering it to the people.”

Patrick Humphries of Bedford said he feels like health reform is being rushed.

         Heading out to the craft store......need some large poster board.......


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