Monday, August 2, 2010

Cambridge to consider student immigrant resolution

CAMBRIDGE — Cambridge city councilors are scheduled to vote on a resolution calling for passage of federal legislation that would give illegal immigrant students a path to citizenship if they join the military or finish college.
Christopher Hope, a member of the Cambridge Human Rights Commission and author of the resolution, said councilors are slated Monday to consider the resolution.
The federal proposal, also known as the DREAM Act, would allow young undocumented immigrants to qualify for permanent legal residency by graduating from college or a trade school or by joining the military.Hope said the Cambridge resolution is important because the city is home to MIT and Harvard University. He says a number of undocumented students plan to address city councilors.


  1. There's already a path to citizenship via the military. But, you have to serve a full tour first.

    Completing college?? Nope, what service obligation was performed by that?

    The progression should be:
    1. Serve in Military and save for future tuition.
    2. Go to school and complete requirements while meeting (legal) residency requirements.
    3. Get citizenship.

    Take too long? Go back home. Nothing in life is free.

  2. you are right, and when has the simpler the better ever considered by our career politicians?


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