Monday, March 29, 2010

Government run Health Care.....Will You Live or Will You Die

End of life: Who should decide to stop treatment?  We already have a shortage of doctors in this country and look for more shortages to come.  Where in our Constitution does it say that the government shall make the decision as to how much a man is to make in his line of work or occupation?  Everyone should look to the future and make sure you have something to 'barter' if you want a doctors care. When will the government come to your place of will be next.
Starlin and Hitler got rid of the old people first because they were using up the resources...


The doctor for a dying Jewish man at the heart of an emotional court battle has spoken out about the case for the first time, calling for a public inquiry to help clear up the growing debate over who should decide the care of gravely ill patients.
Dr. Joel Zivot suggests in a journal article that it is wrong to give physicians the final say over whether to halt life-extending treatment of such patients, and argues that ICU doctors are in a conflict of interest, since they both try to save people and provide palliative care when they consider treatment hopeless.

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