Saturday, January 16, 2010

Massachusett's Senate Race Update

More signs on cars and in yards seen around town for Scott Brown running for the 'people's' seat in Massachusetts. While at the supermarket this morning, met my friend who is a registered Democrat and that's ok because I like her anyway. She told me she received two calls last night, both looking to secure her vote on Tuesday. One call was from the President and the other was from her forty year old son. Not liking the road the country is heading down and still being of sound mind, she will be voting Republican with her son this election. And the President is coming to town tomorrow.... I hear he is looking for a back room to hold a rally.......


  1. Let him come. We know there are some smart people, like you, in MA! We are all supporting Mr. Brown!

    Now if NV and CA would come along, maybe our country would get back on the right track!

  2. Thanks Linda, I hope Massachusetts gets it right and then on we go to restore our country state by state.

  3. My 76 y/o father-in-law went to a Brown office to get a yard sign and bumper sticker but they were out of them. So he volunteered his time and $25.

    And this is a guy that was in a union for 40 years.


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