Friday, November 13, 2009

Fort Hood Gunman May Be Paralyzed, Lawyer Says

WHATS THE BAD NEWS? Keep your eyes open for the insanity defense.
Sidebar: I was raised a Catholic and when all that crap about the priests and the young boys came out I was sickened and disgusted and will stand up and tell you so. Where are the disgusted Muslims and why is it an attack on them when their religion is in question? Yes, there are good and evil in the world and they are of all 'faiths'.

in reference to: Accused Fort Hood Gunman May Be Paralyzed, Lawyer Says - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News - (view on Google Sidewiki)

1 comment:

  1. Paralyzed? And the bad news is?

    If he's quadriplegic, then perhaps life without parole would be better than the death penalty.


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